Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

    The idea of motherhood is little more complicated this year.  A little more bittersweet.  I've been really blessed to be home this last month.  In that time I've been able to get back to normal. Plus, I've had time to do a lot of the little projects I've always wanted to tackle, but didn't have time.  I feel refocused and rejuvenated. 

   I only had a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the experience of motherhood, but I got a glimpse of the instant priority shift, the me into you.  It's amazing to think that I was and am on the receiving end of that everyday.  I love my Mom so very much, and it's hard to imagine that she's loved me as much since before I can remember.  Before I was born.  It's one of those things that's been so large and constant in my life that I have the privilege of being able to take it for granted sometimes.  I shouldn't, and I definitely try not to.  I know that so many people never had or have lost that love. But what a love that is to be so constant and steady that I forget that it isn't just a given.

  As if I haven't been lucky enough, I've also got a wonderful mother in law that I love, too, and feel so grateful to for making such a great man out of Craig.  I never imagined that I would feel so comfortable in someone else's family, but going to her house always feels like going home.  For reasons I've mentioned before, that fact just shows me that God has really taken care of me.

  I'm so lucky to have been my mother's child and equally lucky to have Craig's mom.  Lucky and grateful.  Thanks to the best moms I know and happy mother's day!

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